
The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel: An Introduction to John is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul Anderson, a leading scholar of the Fourth Gospel, provides an introductory textbook, crafted for a semester course, which leads students through literary, historical, and theological aspects of the Fourth Gospel’s most vexing puzzles. Traditional, historical-critical, and literary-critical approaches are deftly introduced and their limitations evaluated; questions of the Gospel’s authorship,...

be receptive and responsive. Indeed, the significance of the Light of Christ as the saving/revealing initiative of God is too easily missed for several reasons. First, it cannot be imagined; it must be revealed. Humans live by merit—by judgment—receiving what we deserve, which inevitably is death except for God’s grace.12 Again, this is why no one can have access to the Father except by being drawn by God, whose world-changing initiative Jesus as the Jewish Messiah was and is. God’s saving grace
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